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Conserving hidden gems

Friday 16 November 2018

It's not all about the dramatic Malvern Hills!  We care for many hidden gems in and around Malvern that are little visited but provide fantastic homes for wildlife. This week we've been working in one such special area on the slopes of the Malverns.…

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Office Closed - Staff Training

Wednesday 14 November 2018

The Malvern Hills Trust office will be closed on the 27th November for staff training.  In case of an emergency or an urgent enquiry, please call the office on 01684 892002 and select option 3 to be put through to a member of staff on call.  All oth…

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Remember, remember...

Friday 02 November 2018

Remember remember the 5th of November... Watching the fireworks from the Malvern Hills may be a tradition on bonfire night but setting them off shouldn't be.Fireworks are not permitted on the Malvern Hills or surrounding commons. If you're heading u…

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Robocut on British Camp

Grassland habitat restoration underway on Malvern Hills and Commons

Friday 26 October 2018

Habitat management is well underway on the Malvern Hills to restore the rare open grassland habitats that make this landscape so special. Cutting edge technology has been used this week to tackle scrub on the steep but delicate slopes of British Cam…

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New mountain biking route signposted on Malvern Hills

Tuesday 16 October 2018

A new signposted cycling trail around the Malvern Hills is ready to be explored by mountain bike. This trail is the second of three waymarked cycling trails to be provided by the Malvern Hills Trust around the Malvern Hills.  Cycling visitors who wi…

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New opportunities to remember loved ones and support care of Malvern Hills

Wednesday 10 October 2018

A number of new donation schemes on the Malvern Hills and Commons have been launched. These new opportunities are for people wishing to help support the work of the Malvern Hills Trust or to remember or celebrate loved ones in this amazing landscape…

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Volunteers needed to help conserve graylings

Thursday 04 October 2018

As winter approaches the search is on for volunteers to help conserve the rare grayling butterfly. The West Midlands branch of the national charity Butterfly Conservation are looking for volunteers to help clear vegetation on the Malvern Hills.  A s…

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Varied topics discussed at Malvern Hills Conference

Tuesday 25 September 2018

We're coming to the end of our walks and talks on the Malvern Hills but there's still a chance to discover more about this iconic landscape. On the 3rd of November, the Voice of the Malvern Hills Conference will be held at St Andrews Church.  With a…

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What's happening to our horse chestnuts?

Wednesday 19 September 2018

You may have noticed that some of the Horse Chestnut trees around Malvern went brown very early this year.  This is due to a pest called the Horse Chestnut Leaf Miner. The larvae of the moth Cameraria ohridella mine within the leaf of the tree and c…

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Sheep die after dog attack

Monday 17 September 2018

More sheep die after dog attack on the Malvern Hills this weekend. On Sunday, around noon, sheep were chased from Broad Down, near to British Camp, and one was attacked. At around 11:30am today a second sheep was found and has had to be put down du…

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