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Byelection - Thursday 5th May

Wednesday 04 May 2022

An election will be held on the 5th May to fill a trustee vacancy in the Chase ward. Voters will have the opportunity to vote for the candidate they would like to see join our charity board. The two candidates standing for election have provided sh…

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Office opening for purchasing parking passes

Wednesday 04 May 2022

The Levy payer passes for 2022/23 are now available to purchase.   Passes valid from the 1st June 2022 to the 31st May 2023 can be purchased in the following ways: By email - by completing the Levy payer pass application form 2022 (word doc) or L…

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Spring has sprung and wells are dressed

Tuesday 03 May 2022

Spring has fully sprung on the Malvern Hills and Commons.  You'll find blooms of wild garlic and bluebells in some of our woodlands and the skylarks can be heard singing above the commons. It's also a special time of year for the springs and spouts …

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Vote in the by-election next week

Friday 29 April 2022

On the 5th May, a byelection will be held to fill a vacancy in the Chase Ward.  There are two candidates standing for election and both have provided a short statement: Nicholas Moon I grew up in Malvern and went to school at the Chase. As a family…

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Tree care contract

Friday 29 April 2022

The Malvern Hills Trust is inviting professional, competitive quotes for the watering and maintenance of newly planted trees in Malvern town, over a three year period. Over the winter of 2021/22, the Trust planted a number of standard trees around t…

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Lambs return to the Hills

Monday 25 April 2022

Dog walkers are being urged to take extra care when walking on the Hills and Commons as sheep and their lambs return to the Malvern Hills this week. So far this year, 3 sheep have been killed by dogs on the Malvern Hills and more sheep have been inj…

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Spaces available on Sheep Safe courses

Thursday 14 April 2022

The first Sheep Safe training course dates have been announced for 2022. Courses with dog trainer and behaviourist Sue Harper are aimed at teaching owners how to encourage their dogs to ignore livestock.  The six-session course will begin on Sunday …

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