Special Board meeting

Thursday 06 August 2020

Time: 19:00 - 21:00

Video conference

The Board meets at least five times a year, to consider the reports presented by its committees and officers, to set policies and strategic aims of the organisation and to address questions from the public.

Meeting agenda (PDF)

Meeting papers (PDF)
Trustee's report and annual accounts - draft (PDF) 

Meeting minutes (PDF)

Previous meeting minutes (PDF)

Temporary arrangements during Covid-19 restrictions

The Trust may hold virtual meetings (with trustees taking part by video link or by telephone) whilst it is not possible to hold face-to-face meetings. The Trust has now set up a facility to live stream meetings. All the Board meetings are open to the public, except where personnel matters or commercially sensitive matters are to be discussed or where legal professional privilege applies. These virtual meetings will now be open to the public by way of a link to a streaming service and the link will be published on the agenda.  This will not apply to any part of a meeting where exempt/confidential business is discussed.

Members of the public may submit a short statement (which will take no longer than 3 minutes to read out loud) to a virtual Board or standing committee meeting.  This must be received no later than 12 noon, one clear day before the meeting (e.g. for a meeting on a Thursday evening, by 12 noon on Tuesday).  For a committee meeting, the statement must be relevant to a matter on the agenda for the meeting. Statements submitted before the deadline will be posted on the Trust’s website (where possible), circulated to trustees and read out verbatim at the meeting.  The Trust reserves the right not to publish or read out any statements which contain information which may be defamatory or are otherwise in breach the law.


Please note that our meeting agendas will be added prior to upcoming meetings.  Meeting minutes are signed off at Board meetings therefore some minutes below available as draft only.