Malvern Hills Trust is reminding visitors of the dangers of swimming in Gullet Quarry following damage to safety fencing.

Sections of safety fencing have been repaired this week by Trust wardens to ensure it is secure ahead of the last summer holiday weekend.

Physical barriers to restrict access to the quarry and warning signs were installed following the tragic deaths of two young men who drowned in the quarry lake in 2013.

Despite the warnings about the dangers, some people have continued to breach the safety fencing.

Beck Baker, Community and Conservation Officer said “Although the water may look inviting on a hot summer’s day, it is not worth the risk and you could be putting yourself and others in serious danger”

“The main risk here is cold water shock which increases the chance of drowning and can affect anyone, regardless of their swimming ability.”

Cold water shock can seriously affect the muscles and breathing of even strong swimmers which can lead to drowning.

Beck added “There is also a risk from rock falls.  Gullet Quarry was last worked in the 1970’s and the quarry face is unstable.  The unpredictability of rock falls is another reason for the exclusion of visitors for public safety.”

Crossing the fence or entering the water is a breach of the Trust’s byelaws and Malvern Hills Trust staff and police officers regularly patrol the site to ensure that people are staying safe and out of the water.