There's something unusual on the Hills...

There's an unusual piece of kit in action on this Hills this week complete with a flashing light on top...

Our Field Staff team are trying out a remote controlled flail mower. The 'Robocut' is being employed on the steep slopes where dense stands of bracken are smothering other native flora and making public access tricky.

It’s basically a large lawnmower on caterpillar tracks that’s controlled by a person stood nearby. This makes it much safer for our staff than using tractors on steep slopes and it can access rugged areas where other vehicles can’t go. This work compliments the conservation grazing on the Hills as neither sheep nor cattle eat bracken. Bracken can reach 7ft high and outcompete all other plants if not managed at all.

Later this month, the ponies will be back near Swinyard Hill to help control the bracken there too.

Read more about our land management projects in our Land Management Plan.